Wednesday, January 27, 2010

most amazing picture ever to appear in a fashion magazine

it's so beautiful... it's a bizzare, elaborate mix of eastern and western. when you first look at it, it looks very ethnic and african, but then you see that she's waring spatter-bleached jeans and sparkly snakeskin jacket. and the colors and fabric and textures are so's just excellent. ah, well. better get back to my science homework now.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


these are marc jacobs, believe it or not. they were strangely cheap, so i bought them. well, no, actually someone else bought them for me. but they are pretty spectacular. i also got them in yellow-black and white-red.

i like moons.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

he spoiled my nice new rattle!

the shirt: the tag says HC, but I think that they just made the shirt blank and some very cool person silkscreened the twins onto it. have i ever told you that i love alice in wonderland? must blog about it later...
the belt: no tag. leather and suede. it's secondhand, okay? don't judge. i'm a vegetarian.
it reminds me of something a fairy would wear in an original production of a midsummer night's dream.
the suspenders: these are the best, don't you agree? they're like the ones you can get at places like ricky's, except i think that they're old, genuine men's suspenders that were not supposed to be remotely edgy...until now.
the pants:: from a brand called "dollhouse".
i bought everything except the pants this weekend at a vintage store in brooklyn called beacon's closet. i LOVE beacon's closet. no, that's not true. you can't love things, only people. well, i really really really like beacon's closet. wait till you see my skates...

Sunday, September 20, 2009