Wednesday, April 29, 2009

very proud of myself

so i have this amazing dress made out of TOTALLY psychedelic fabric.

but the problem with it is that it is designed with a very small end, so that i have to take tiny steps and look feminine. well, i will not stand for either looking like someone else's idea of femininity, nor will i stand for having to walk slowly. so i cut a slit up the side and hemmed it. i am very proud of this particular piece of butchery, because it looks like it was made that way. so here it is.
i think this picture is kind of trippy cause i forgot to turn of the flash so everything looks distorted and blobby.

Monday, April 20, 2009

silent clowns

ok, long story but my family decided to dress up as mimes and take pictures on our roof. this is me and my bro, mr. awesome, in mime makeup. don't ask.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

why, hello there.

i just ate an entire icing cookie easter chick and now im giggling and shaking all over.

ok, so since im seriously hyped up on sugar/excited about my ability to put pictures on blogger,
[i take ten minute break to eat a basket full of jelly beans]
SINCE I AM REALLY-IM EXcited, AND i am going to POST some pppppiiiiiiiiiicccccccccttttttttttttuuuuuuurrrrreeeeeeeesssssss..........
[i take ten minute break to chill]
sry bout that. now for some pictures!!

these are some shirts i sewed like a million years ago and stored away somwhere, which is why therye so wrinkled.

the first

this is the first of what will hopefully be many pictures of what i am wearing.
now, what i was aiming for in this outfit was something kind of classy, old-fashioned stylish, with a small element of drag (ie the tie and suspenders.) the fact that two items in this outfit have peace signs on them is unimportant. it was accidental. ok, now fo what everything was from:
the pants are mini boden, the tie is a gift from my awesome uncle, the shirt is secondhand, the suspenders are secondhand, i can't remember where the scarf is from, and the bright green beret that you can't see me wearing is from a vendor in paris.

Friday, April 10, 2009

make stuff

so, i spent 2 days making THE MOST amazing sneakers that ever were. i am going to describe them in addition to showing a picture, because there is so much to take in.
-the toe of the shoe is a rainbow
-the sole of the shoe says LOVE all over it.
-one side of the laces are a rainbow of stripes, the other have lyrics from across the universe in rainbow letters on them. the laces took just as long as the shoes themselves.
-there are several panels with pictures on them. the pictures are: a wave in the sea, daises, fish in the sea, blue stars on a yellow background, and the addidas symbol turned into a tree against a blue sky background. there are also two small spirals, and two checkerboard sections.
-the tongue of one shoe has the sun and red swirls all over it, the other has the moon and stars all over it.
-on the outside of the shoes, there is a one orange and one blue stripe. on the inside there is one raspberry and one lilac stripe.
-the holes that the laces are threaded through are disguised to look like daises on one side and suns on the other.

then, i was bored so i made this glove out of a jewelry bag.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

change of plans

im not putting up ads. its too complicated.

the rebirth

due to urging by certain parties, i will re-open this blog. however, i will only post when i am wearing a particularly amazing outfit, and i will attempt to make money off this blog by putting up ads. i kno, im selling my soul.
ok, so right now im wearing my crinoline underneath a pink sparkly skirt. i am wearing a bouncy green scarf with a lot of elastic inside tied around my waist. my shirt is a floral backless halter with a huge pink lace star on the front. i am wearing pink-and-black fingerless gloves on my hands as i type this, and a magenta headband on my head. not an elastic-y headband, a thin hard one. this is my southern-belle-at-a-fancy-party outfit. my parents are having a HUGE party tonight with like FIFTY people ar our house, so im all dressed up in my party clothes. whats funny is that everything i am wearing was bought on a vacation to somewhere, except the pink skirt, which was bought as part of my marie antionette birthday party a few years ago. what else? o, im wearing no shoes. even though im outside. go figure.